Active rest of Kharkiv
This section includes all types of alternative and active recreation in Kharkiv and the suburbs of Kharkiv, clubs of interest, as well as places of entertainment and leisure for those who are interested in team games, speed, height, adrenaline, communication with animals, nature, etc.
What are those stars?!
– "Premium" accommodation
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According to the institution, except for the basic data (address, telephone, opening hours) and personal data
(for example: services, cuisine, parking, payment options, entertainment, average bills, capacity
etc.), more to be expected: a lot of photos, a poster of events, various menu folders,
news, articles, etc.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
– «Standard» accommodation
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In addition to the basic data (address, phone number, opening hours), there is personal data,
a short description and some photos.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
– "Minimum" placement
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Just a brief description of the establishment: name, type, address, phone, opening hours.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
, банно-оздоровительный клуб
Cafe, Complex, Sauna, Bathhouse, Vacation with children, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьков, ул. Гончаренко 59
(Новые Дома, пос. Павленки)
Phone: 067-577-74-37, 099-334-93-35
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Phone: 067-577-74-37, 099-334-93-35
Views : current month 127
, total 2487
reviews: 4
Superior Golf & Spa Resort
, гольф-клуб
Restaurant, Complex, Hotels, Fitness, sports, dancing, Vacation with children, Active rest
Харьков, пр. Академика Курчатова, 1А
(Держпром-Пятихатки до конечной: автобус № 296)
Phone: Superior Hotel (057) 349-50-50, 050-400-10-32; ресторан Albatross 095-417-17-52; Superior Golf Club (057) 349-50-30, 050-400-32-37; Superior Spa 050-303-20-60; Superior Fit 099-7-90-60-90
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Phone: Superior Hotel (057) 349-50-50, 050-400-10-32; ресторан Albatross 095-417-17-52; Superior Golf Club (057) 349-50-30, 050-400-32-37; Superior Spa 050-303-20-60; Superior Fit 099-7-90-60-90
Views : current month 444
, total 6544
reviews: 28
The key
, квест комнаты
Other categories, Vacation with children, Active rest
Харкiв, вул. Сумська, 3
Phone: +38 063 96 16 444 +38 096 21 16 444 +38 099 39 16 444
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Phone: +38 063 96 16 444 +38 096 21 16 444 +38 099 39 16 444
Views : current month 136
, total 2156
reviews: 4
Complex, Sauna, Bathhouse, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьковская обл., Валковский р-н, с. Бараново
(у пруда Бараново)
Phone: +38(098)757-47-45, +38(099)367-44-56,+38(066)957-63-26 (только Viber)
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Phone: +38(098)757-47-45, +38(099)367-44-56,+38(066)957-63-26 (только Viber)
Views : current month 261
, total 8452
reviews: 14
Шато Ледо
, каток-роллердром
Active rest
Харьков, ул. Академика Павлова, 44Б
(ТЦ «Французский бульвар»)
Phone: (057) 7-519-400, (057) 7-602-601
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Phone: (057) 7-519-400, (057) 7-602-601
Views : current month 564
, total 7051
reviews: 109
Park Rost Club
, туристический комплекс развлечений и отдыха
Restaurant, Billiard club, Complex, Sushi bar, Hotels, Sauna, Bathhouse, Vacation with children, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьковская обл., Змиевской р-н, п. Гайдары, ул. Пионерская
Phone: (057) 730-66-55, 067-136-07-07
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Phone: (057) 730-66-55, 067-136-07-07
Views : current month 936
, total 11823
reviews: 192
, пейнтбольный комплекс
Other categories, Active rest
Харьков, пр. Любови Малой, 93 (бывший пр. Постышева, 93)
(район ст.м. Холодная Гора)
Phone: (057) 786-24-56, 063-12-65-777, 066-118-06-90
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Phone: (057) 786-24-56, 063-12-65-777, 066-118-06-90
Views : current month 65
, total 1070
reviews: 2
Fly In Sky
, частный аэродром
Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьковская область
Phone: 073-503-53-53
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Phone: 073-503-53-53
Views : current month 63
, total 1048
reviews: 0
Fitness, sports, dancing, Active rest
Харьков, ул. Шевченко, 327
Phone: 095-348-86-76, 093-207-14-80
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Phone: 095-348-86-76, 093-207-14-80
Views : current month 75
, total 1045
reviews: 0
Golden horse
, конные прогулки
Vacation with children, Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьков, пер. Речной, 6
Phone: 050-787-98-49, 097-454-33-58
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Phone: 050-787-98-49, 097-454-33-58
Views : current month 79
, total 1174
reviews: 0
Gran Turismo Sport
, Клуб автосимуляторов
Other categories, Vacation with children, Active rest
Харьков, ул. Культуры, 8
(Сумской рынок 2-й этаж)
Phone: 093-766-11-20; 068-792-11-13
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Phone: 093-766-11-20; 068-792-11-13
Views : current month 71
, total 1221
reviews: 1
Kex Club
, экстрим клуб
Recreation outside the city, Active rest
Харьков, Черкасская Лозовая
Phone: 050-907-17-96
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Phone: 050-907-17-96
Views : current month 45
, total 955
reviews: 0
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