Coffee houses of Kharkiv
Full list of Kharkov coffee houses. Coffee houses in Kharkiv.
What are those stars?!
– "Premium" accommodation
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According to the institution, except for the basic data (address, telephone, opening hours) and personal data
(for example: services, cuisine, parking, payment options, entertainment, average bills, capacity
etc.), more to be expected: a lot of photos, a poster of events, various menu folders,
news, articles, etc.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
These establishments in any list are displayed first, as containing the most amount of useful information.
– «Standard» accommodation
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In addition to the basic data (address, phone number, opening hours), there is personal data,
a short description and some photos.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
These establishments in any list are displayed after Premium package establishments.
– "Minimum" placement
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Just a brief description of the establishment: name, type, address, phone, opening hours.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
These establishments in any list are displayed last, as containing the least amount of information.
Le Grand
, ресторан - винный бутик
Restaurant, Cafe, Coffee shop, Sushi bar, Shopping and entertainment center, Vacation with children
Харьков, пр. Науки, 77
(ст.м. 23 Августа)
Phone: +38(057)773 03 83
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Phone: +38(057)773 03 83
Views : current month 287
, total 4831
reviews: 30
, кафе
Restaurant, Cafe, Coffee shop
Харьков, пр. Московский, 27
Phone: (057) 731-13-07, 097-731-13-07
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Phone: (057) 731-13-07, 097-731-13-07
Views : current month 144
, total 2264
reviews: 6
Sutra Bar Pacha Mama
, клуб-бар
Restaurant, Club, Cafe, Coffee shop
Харьков, ул. Ярослава Мудрого, 38 (бывшая ул. Петровского, 38)
Phone: 066-689-99-22, 067-537-88-37, 050-322-33-41
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Phone: 066-689-99-22, 067-537-88-37, 050-322-33-41
Views : current month 194
, total 3950
reviews: 29
Изи Бризи
, кальянная
Cafe, Pub, Beer, Coffee shop
Харьков, ул. Квитки-Основьянеко, 5
(ТЦ «Детский Мир»)
Phone: 050-222-43-50
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Phone: 050-222-43-50
Views : current month 128
, total 2408
reviews: 13
, tea&coffee room
Cafe, Coffee shop
Харьков, пр-т Московский, 28
Phone: 050-401-89-82
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Phone: 050-401-89-82
Views : current month 113
, total 2229
reviews: 8
, гастро-локація
Restaurant, Cafe, Pub, Beer, Coffee shop, Fast food, Pizzeria, Sushi bar
м. Харків, вул. Скрипника, 7
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Views : current month 124
, total 2162
reviews: 1
, кофейня
Cafe, Coffee shop
Харьков, ул. Сумская, 25
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Views : current month 62
, total 1207
reviews: 0
Restaurant, Cafe, Coffee shop
Харьков, пр. Независимости, 2 (бывш. пр. Правды, 2)
(отель Kharkiv Palace, 1 этаж)
Phone: (057) 766-45-34
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Phone: (057) 766-45-34
Views : current month 123
, total 2118
reviews: 6
Aroma kava
Coffee shop
Харьков, ул. Валентиновская, 17/1 (бывшая ул. Блюхера, 17/1)
Phone: 050-530-17-53
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Phone: 050-530-17-53
Views : current month 59
, total 908
reviews: 2
Aroma kava
Coffee shop
Харьков, ул. Пушкинская, 43
Phone: 050-530-17-53
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Phone: 050-530-17-53
Views : current month 66
, total 1019
reviews: 0
Aroma kava
Coffee shop
Харьков, Стадионный проезд, 5А
Phone: 050-530-17-53
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Phone: 050-530-17-53
Views : current month 53
, total 936
reviews: 0
Aroma kava
Coffee shop
Харьков, ул. Академика Павлова, 44Б
(ТРЦ Французский бульвар)
Phone: 050-530-17-53
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Phone: 050-530-17-53
Views : current month 84
, total 1312
reviews: 8
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